Navigating Pages in Blogger
Previously I've described the so-called "static" pages feature that Blogger introduced. This lets you create up to 10 stand-alone pages.Blogger intended your visitors to access these pages using the Pages-gadget, which contains a link to the Pages you choose to show in it.
But sometimes you may want to link to specific pages in other ways, eg by direct links from a post. To do this, you need to find out the URL of an individual Page.
Finding the URL of a Page
From the Blogger Dashboard, choose the Pages tab.For each Page that is listed, either:
- Right-click on the View button for the page,
- Choose Copy-link-location (or similar the specific command - depends on your browser)
- Click on the View button, to open the page:
- Copy the URL from your browser's address bar.
Related Articles:
The Difference Between Pages and PostsStatic pages in Blogger
Putting posts into your pages in Blogger
Finding the URL of a Page