Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

Finding the URL of a picture stored in flickr

This article is about how to find the link (URL, web-address) of a photograph or picture that is stored in Flickr.

What is Flickr?

Flickr is one of many on-line photograph hosting services.   It is particularly attractive to bloggers because it includes collections of photographs that can be used without being subject to any copyright restrictions.

Getting the URL of a picture that is stored Flickr:

Option 1:   
Use a web browser (eg Firefox, Chrome) which has a "copy URL" or "copy shortcut) option in the right click menu.
  • Go to the photograph in a general window
  • Put the cursor over it, and click the right mouse button
  • Choose   "Copy Link Location", or "Copy shortcut URL" or similar

This puts the link to the photograph into your computer's memory, so you can go to another application and paste it.

Option 2:  
From flickR's photo-detail page, or if you are using aweb-browser (eg some versions / installations of Internet Explorer) without a copy-option in the right click menu:
  • Go to the page in Flickr that shows the details of the photo
  • Choose the Share This drop-down men
  • Choose Grab the Link, and copy the highlighed code

Related Articles: 

Inserting a picture into a blog post

Finding a picture's location in Picasa-web-albums

Taking action when someone has copied your blog without permission

Showing a PowerPoint presentation in your blog

Copyright, Blogs and Bloggers

Stopping pictures on your blog from being "clickable"

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Finding the URL of a picture stored in flickr
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