Kamis, 26 September 2013

HTC Desire HD looking for a new owner!

It's been a great adventure since 14th November 2010, when I started my first Android Revolution HD thread. The first officially supported device was HTC Desire HD. In three years this thread reached almost 15 million visits and more than 70 thousand replies. That's probably the most popular thread on the entire XDA Developers' Forum.

I have many devices laying in my closet, so I decided to sell some of them. Every electronic device loses some of its value with each passing year. I have two options: I can sell my HTC Desire HD for some regular market price (around $150) here in my country, or I can send it outside my country, to a person who will decide to pay more as a kind of donation to support Android Revolution HD project.

The device itself is in perfect condition, fully working and without any scratches. You can see the actual pictures of the device in the gallery.

If you would like to get the first Android Revolution HD device, please offer your price by sending an e-mail to android.revolution.hd.app@gmail.com


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HTC Desire HD looking for a new owner!
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