Kamis, 04 Desember 2014

Download Android KitKat 4.4.2 stock Firmware for Cubot X9 smartphone

Download Android KitKat 4.4.2 stock Firmware for Cubot X9 smartphone from here or here. Download another Cubot firmware from here. BTW, here you'll find a good deal on Cubot X9 smartphone.

Archive name: Cubot-X9  fw
Archive file size: 545 MB
Platform: MT6592
Project: sinsoft92_cwet_kk
Config_version: V1.1.2
Baseband: MT6592_S00_MOLY_WR8_W1315_MD_WG_MP_V62_P6_1_wg_n

Install ROM
- Go into Recovery and Wipe All Data / Factory reset
- Run FlashTools
– Only if you have Android 4.2 on your SmartPhone you have to Format before (please SAVE NVRAM before)
– Only if you have Android 4.2 on your SmartPhone download also the preloader.bin e put it togheter the other files
- Select the contained MT6592_Android_scatter_emmc.txt inside ROM compressed file
- Wait file to be added into Flash Tool
- choose Option->Connection->USB->USB Speed->High Speed
- Turn off your phone, remove the battery
- Select "Download only"
- Connect your phone into the computer via USB data cable
- The process will start and various progress bar will be displayed
- At the end, a green circles will appear
- Only if you have Android 4.2 on your SmartPhone go into Recovery mode and Wipe All/Factory Reset
- You can now safely disconnect your phone and turn it on.
- Only if you have Android 4.2 on your SmartPhone you have to Restore NVRAM and reboot
- Finish!

Here you have a video tutorial on how to upgrade to KitKat another MT6592 CPU smartphone, E-ceros One

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Download Android KitKat 4.4.2 stock Firmware for Cubot X9 smartphone
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