Selasa, 02 Desember 2014

MyBackup Pro APK latest version free download for Android

MyBackup Pro APK latest version free download

MyBackup Pro is a super easy, yet feature packed, backup for Android. Supporting the most content, and the most Android devices.Backup (with schedule option) and restore to/from the Cloud (Rerware or Dropbox), or locally to your device/SD card.Supporting THE MOST content including your Applications, Photos, Music, Videos, Contacts, Call log, Browser Bookmarks, SMS (text messages), MMS (message attachments), Calendar, System Settings, Home Screens (including shortcut positions), Alarms, Dictionary, Music Playlists, APNs, and more…Restore your backups on your existing or new phone.Migrate feature allows you to move system data, apps, music, photos, videos, and more directly from one Device to another.View your data and application backups online, by logging into the Web Viewer at Find out why over 4 million people have chosen MyBackup as their secure source for a Backup Solution.MyBackup Pro will work on all Android mobile devices, regardless if they have root access or not.Users who have a rooted phone: You can backup apk+data as well as market links!
Download the software

How to Get Registered MyBackup Pro APK latest version

  • Install the software
  • Enjoy

My Sweet Visitor Comments are always appreciated; feel happy to help others; if you feel any problem regarding installation, customization or any other problem, inform us. Cheers to amjadfreesoft ! 
MyBackup Pro APK     Download Here

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MyBackup Pro APK latest version free download for Android
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