WYSIWYG Web Builder v10.1.1 with Crack free download
WYSIWYG Web Builder now has an integrated environment for creating (flexible) mobile web pages with a dedicated toolset for mobile web design.
WYSIWYG Web Builder v10.1.1 with Crack Have Following features
- Visually design your website (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get).
- No HTML knowledge required! Just drag & drop objects to the page!
- Outputs standard HTML4, HTML5, XHTML, CSS3, PHP.
- Template support (100+).
- HTML5 Audio/Video, YouTube, Flash Video and more!
- Slidehows, photo galleries, rollover images, rollover text.
- Navigation bars, Menu bar and many other navigation options.
- One Click Publishing" No FTP program needed. No special hosting required, use with any Hosting Service!
- Easily create forms using the built-in Form Wizard plus Form validation tools and built-in CAPTCHA.
- Advanced graphics tools like shapes, textart, rotation, shadows and many other image effects.
- Fully integrated jQuery UI (Accordion, Tabs etc), animations, effects and built-in ThemeRoller theme editor.
- Google compatible sitemap generator / PayPal eCommerce Tools
- Many navigation tools available: Navigation bars, tab menus, dropdown menus, sitetree, slidemenus.
- Built-in Slide Shows, Photo Galleries, Rollover images, Banners etc.
- Support for YouTube, Flash Video, Windows Media Player and many other video formats.
- Unique extension (add-on) system with already more than 250 extensions available.
- HTML5 document type (optimized HTML5 output).
- HTML5 audio/video and YouTube HTML5 support.
- HTML5 forms: native form validation, new input types and options, web storage.
- HTML5 <canvas> and <svg> support in shapes and other drawing tools.
- CSS3 @font-face. Use non web safe fonts in all modern browsers.
- CSS3 opacity, border radius, box shadow.
- CSS3 gradients. Add cool gradient effects using native CSS3 (no images).
- CSS3 navigation menu. Create awesome menus without using JavaScript or images.
- CSS3 animations and transitions. Including support for 2D and 3D transforms!
How To Install & Registered WYSIWYG Web Builder v10.1.1 with Crack
- Install program..
- Do not launch the program. If launched then exit...
- Go to crack folder and Copy/Paste “WebBuilder.exe” to installation directory...
- Enjoy....
My Sweet Visitor Comments are always appreciated; feel happy to help others; if you feel any problem regarding installation, customization or any other problem, inform us. Cheers to amjadfreesoft !
WYSIWYG Web Builder Setup Download Here
WYSIWYG Web Builder v10.1.1 with Crack free download
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