KK Launcher Lollipop & KitKat Prime V 5.85 APK latets version free download
KK Launcher have 20+ unique,COOL and useful features: such as Sidebar, Super folder, Private folder, App Lock, Double tap to turn off screen.People who want latest Android experience, Clean, Cool and Modern design.People who want a Smoother, Richer, more Powerful and Playful experience from their phone.
KK Launcher Lollipop & KitKat Prime V 5.85 APK Have Following Features
- Find 5000+ of launcher icon pack from Google Play Store; compatible with themes of nova launcher,solo launcher,go launcher,apex launcher, etc
- KK Launcher also support color theme: Customize icons color, shape, mask, size as you want easily.
- Include Memory cleaner; Quick toggle; Favorite apps; And Sidebar can be launched from everywhere.
- Have 300+ of launcher options to tune your devices; options for grid size, app folder, 4 UI size mode, dock pages.
- From left-most screen, swipe right to access Google Now cards that give you just the right information.
- When you're on KK Launcher screens(for Android 4.4, Android 5.0 devices), just say "Ok Google" to trigger voice input, then say your command.
- Keep updating to latest Android L Lollipop (Android 5.0), bring you the latest Android 5.0 experience.
- Smooth animation; Wallpaper scrolling; 16 transition effect; 5 live wallpaper effect; Color wallpaper.
- Create drawer folder; Hide app; 3 drawer style; 4 drawer sorting; Quick A-Z location bar; Quick app search; Change grid size.
- For Android 4.4, Android 5.0 devices; Galaxy S4, S5 and Galaxy Note.
- desktop gestures; Icon gestures;Folder gestures; Reachability Gesture(like feature in iOS 8).
- Private folder; Super folder.
- App Lock.
- Double tap to turn off screen, triple tap to turn on.
- More Unread Counts/Notifier.
- More gestures; Icon gestures.
- More transition effect.
- TOP 1 Lollipop & KitKat Style launcher, TOP 3 launcher. Most Fast, Cool and .Powerful, and AD free </b>.
- v5.85 update(2015-1-4).
- Fix bug: brightness adjust bar dissapear on Samsung S4,S5,Note3 etc.
- Fix crash: when enabling card style drawer and list style drawer.
- Tuning UI.
- Add "From pic (no crop)" for Edit Icon.
- Optimize UI size mode.
- Optimize "Animation speed Transparent StatusBar Clone for Android 4.0-4.3.
How Install KK Launcher Lollipop & KitKat Prime V 5.85 APK
- When KK luncher Prim Apk will be installed then not open it.
- Download KK luncher Prim Apk unlocker & install it & open
- Open the app.
- Done.
My Sweet Visitor Comments are always appreciated; feel happy to help others; if you feel any problem regarding installation, customization or any other problem, inform us. Cheers to amjadfreesoft !
KK Launcher Lollipop & KitKat Prime V 5.85 Setup Download Here
KK Launcher Lollipop & KitKat Prime V 5.85 APK latets version free download