Lucky Patcher v5.4.1 Apk Latets version free Download
Lucky Patcher is a great Android tool to remove ads, modify Permissions, bypass premium applications license verification, you can easy downloads all application with this version .Lucky Patcher is a updated version with new Tools ,same features are listed below ...
Lucky Patcher v5.4.1 Apk Have Following Features
- Install and uninstall Applications.
- Move to sdcard and back to Internal memory,
- Use filter for sort applications.
- Install applications from sdcard.
- Make backup for apk files from Applications.
- Share applications to bluetooth, emails or others tools .
- Root users can.
- Backup settings of Application.
- Use directory binder for android api < 19 (widget).
- Set default install place - sdcard or internal memory .
- Clear dalvik-cache.
- Move selected apps to sdcard.
- Uninstall selected apps.
- Odex all system applications.
- Freeze or unfreeze Applications (widget).
- Odex selected Applications.
- Clear hosts file.
- Reboot device.
- Move Applications to /system or integrate updates to /system.
- Add auto backup for applications from Google Play only.
- Minor changes to interface.
- Add auto move to internal storage switcher.
- Change code for detect ART runtime.
- Update translations.
- Minor bugs fixed.
My Sweet Visitor Comments are always appreciated; feel happy to help others; if you feel any problem regarding installation, customization or any other problem, inform us. Cheers to amjadfreesoft !
Lucky Patcher v5.4.1 Apk Latets version DownloadHere
Lucky Patcher v5.4.1 Apk latest version free download