Rabu, 01 Juli 2015

Our Next Milestone: 150.000 monthly unique visitors. Take advantage of it and promote your great products for free!

Do you need a reviewer? :)
We are a young team of passionate big fans of gadgets and for some time now we are testing various Android products (tablets, smartphones, smartwatches & Mini Pc) for companies from China, providing to the communities of fans solutions & HD video tutorials with detailed guidance, fixes & workarounds.
We can generate presentations,  unboxing articles, hands-on previews, permanent banners, articles with links / prices to your website store.

Our tech blog traffic significantly increased over the last half year, and now we are heading to the next milestone: 150.000 monthly unique visitors. Let's just do it together!

Take advantage of it and promote your great products for free! I am sure your only store or your company has press releases to send us about your amazing new devices or free samples to review.


Our website: http://chinagadgetsreviews.com
Our blog: http://chinagadgetsreviews.blogspot.com
Our Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/ChinaGadgetsReviews
Our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/chinaproductsreviews
Our Google+ pages: https://plus.google.com/u/1/+ChinaGadgetsReviews
& https://plus.google.com/b/117117575244708597841/+Chinagadgetsreviewsofficial

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NewChinaGadget
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/cgreviews/sets
Get 'Download Android Firmwares' Android application free from Play Store or download from here the .apk file.

The blog has in the last 30 days about 125,000 unique visitors and over 180,000 views. Statistics are public on blog, provided by Google Analytics. Traffic is steadily rising.

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Our Next Milestone: 150.000 monthly unique visitors. Take advantage of it and promote your great products for free!
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