Selasa, 11 Maret 2014

Android Revolution Needs Your Help! Setting up new servers

Android Revolution HD for various devices has been downloaded more than 4 million times during last 3 years (from official sources). With the average of 1GB  size per ROM, that means almost 4000 terabytes of data we transferred to our users in 3 years, not to count other files (mods, kernels, fixes etc.). With such amount of data this places Android Revolution HD among the most popular custom ROMs.

This also brought us some problems – most servers we used to date can’t manage such traffic. We've also lost our androidrevolution.nldomain lately, that’s why you can’t download anything at the moment (we hope to fix that as soon as possible).

Now we need to set up some new servers and bring back download links to life. For that we’ll need some extra funds. If you’d like to contribute, please use the PayPal donation link below. We want to ensure that every time you click on the download link you’ll be able to get what you want within minutes, without waiting for hours until download is complete! Any amount counts and helps!

With that being said, I can't thank enough to Lizard, Android Revolution member since the beginning who's taking technical care of the servers. You won't be able to download anything without him!

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Android Revolution Needs Your Help! Setting up new servers
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